我们在疾病预防控制中心通过提供和促进儿童的成长和发展 an enriched 孩子-centered 程序.

我们提供各种年龄组的节目,每一个都被设计成 meet the optimal growth potential for a specific age group. 下面是我们的课程, 或致电(626)585-3180安排参观并参观每个项目! 


Ratio: 1 teacher per 3 孩子ren


工作人员: 1 Specialist, 4 part time teachers, 2 part time relievers

我们的婴儿课程是强烈嵌入在日常护理程序. 日常的任务,如换尿布,喂奶和午睡被用作机会 愉快的谈话和特殊的一对一互动,使婴儿学习. 婴儿的游戏经历在一天中是不同的,所以他们有可能性 与不同的材料互动,获得对人和事物的不同视角 地方(e.g. looking at picture books, taking rides in the Buggy, and being rocked 在摇椅上). Opportunities for outside play and concrete, sensory/messy 游戏也是儿童学习经历的重要组成部分.

我们项目的实践集中在加州教育学习部门 儿童的基础和预期结果,婴儿/婴儿护理计划(PITC)/West Ed的方法. These 程序s have been designed to meet the developmental needs of 通过结合儿童早期发展的最佳理论和实践. 基于我们对儿童和儿童发展的了解,我们运用这些理论 约翰·杜威、埃里克·埃里克森、霍华德·加德纳、玛格达·格伯、列夫·维果茨基、让·皮亚杰、 卡尔·罗杰斯,亚伯拉罕·马斯洛,约翰·鲍比,以及其他人,来指导我们的课程 以及与婴儿的互动.

婴儿项目配备了一个小厨房,用于存放餐具、围兜、 and other feeding items to meet the daily needs of your Infant. 我们有消毒 dishwasher where toys are disinfected. Additionally, we provide napping supplies, 虽然如果你的孩子有一个最喜欢的薄毯子*,你被鼓励带这个 项目到班级.

外部区域是封闭的,为您的孩子提供大运动和感觉 经历. The outside area is routinely only used by our classroom.


Ratio: 1 teacher per 4 孩子ren


工作人员: 2 Specialist, 4 part time teachers, 2 relievers

蹒跚学步的孩子很好奇,总是试图弄清楚周围的环境. 他们 are independent and yet still very attached to the adults in their life. 他们是 easily excited and love to build and knock down. 他们是 learning about relationships, developing language, and gaining confidence in their physical activities. 对于这个 因此,幼儿课程发展了广泛的活动和多样化的课程 to meet the ever-changing needs of toddlers.

在幼儿室的课程包括关注个人护理程序作为学习 儿童和照料者之间的机会和一对一的互动. 蹒跚学步的 need consistency in daily routines; regular indoor and outdoor physical activity times are scheduled to enhance active, large muscle play. Daily sensory play 经历 are provided such as water, sand, mud and paint. We balance teacher directed with 孩子 initiated activities throughout the day. We include music and large group/circle 时间每天. Schedules in the room remain flexible, dictated by 孩子ren’s needs and 利益.

我们项目的实践集中在加州教育学习部门 幼儿的基础和预期结果,婴幼儿护理计划 (PITC)/West Ed进路. These 程序s have been designed to meet the developmental 婴儿和学步儿童的需要,结合最好的理论和实践 儿童早期发展. Based on our knowledge about 孩子ren and 孩子 development 我们运用了约翰·杜威、埃里克·埃里克森、霍华德·加德纳、玛格达·格伯、 列夫·维果茨基、让·皮亚杰、卡尔·罗杰斯、亚伯拉罕·马斯洛、约翰·鲍尔比等人, to guide our curriculum and interactions with toddlers.


Ratio: 1 teacher per 4 孩子ren


工作人员: 2 Specialist, 4 part time teachers, 2 relievers

We believe Two-year-olds are wonderful! 他们是 still considered 蹒跚学步的 in the eyes of 孩子 development experts. Our view is one of emerging individuals who proudly (有时是大声地)向世界宣布他们日益增长的自主权的令人兴奋的消息. Two's still needed consistency in overall daily routines. 然而,我们的时间表仍然存在 flexible focusing on the 孩子ren’s 利益 and needs. 年长的孩子 will be introduced to many multi-step tasks to strengthen listening skills. 随着他们词汇量的增长, 我们将使用单词和简单的短语来帮助他们学习沟通和解决问题 与同伴的冲突. Growing verbal skills and the ability for conflict resolution are incorporated into the curriculum.

在较大的幼儿室课程包括注意个人护理程序 作为学习机会和儿童与照顾者之间的一对一互动. Two’s need consistency in daily routines; regular indoor and outdoor physical activity times are scheduled to enhance active, large muscle play. Daily sensory play 经历 are provided such as water, sand, mud and paint. We balance teacher directed with 孩子 initiated activities throughout the day. We include music and large group/circle 时间每天. Schedules in the room remain flexible, dictated by 孩子ren’s needs and 利益.


Ratio: 1 teacher per 6 孩子ren


工作人员: 2 Specialist, 10 part time teachers, 2 relievers

我们是 a multi-aged grouped preschool setting. 我们是 also a State-Funded Preschool 并符合加利福尼亚州要求的所有示范项目标准. 我们是 a 孩子-centered, 孩子-initiated 程序. We believe 孩子ren learn by discovery 和探索. Our teachers are facilitators in their development. 我们闯入 small groups twice daily, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. 这是 让你的孩子和一位老师交流,这样他们就能学习特定的技能.

Teachers develop curriculum from what 利益 the 孩子. 你的孩子 with choices of activities in all areas of the curriculum. 这是一个孩子们 develop a sense of control and independence regarding their choices. 我们的主要关注点 是社会发展. We firmly believe 孩子ren need to learn and work with each 其他的以和平的方式. We develop skills with your 孩子 that they will maintain 贯穿他们的一生,比如如何解决问题和解决冲突. 我们是 一个反偏见的环境,自由地讨论我们的异同.


Ratio: 1 teacher per 8 孩子ren


工作人员: 1 Specialist, 2 part time teachers

我们的高级学前教育是为四岁以上的孩子服务的项目 到五岁.​ The 高级幼儿园 supports a development-based curriculum that 关注孩子的兴趣. We follow the California State Department of Education Frameworks for all curriculum areas. The morning 程序 is from 8:30 am to 12:00 下午,周一至周五. After school enrichment 程序s will be offered such as computers, language arts, creative arts, music, and movement. ​


The Center is part of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). 我们提供“营养 有助于幼儿健康、健康成长和发展的食物.” (CACFP). Children are provided breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack.

In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. 农业部 (USDA) 民权法规和政策,美国农业部,其机构,办公室和员工, 以及参与或管理美国农业部项目的机构被禁止 基于种族、肤色、国籍、性别、残疾、年龄或报复的歧视 或报复先前在任何项目或活动中进行的民权活动 或由美国农业部资助.

需要其他沟通方式的残疾人士 信息(e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), 是否应该联系他们申请福利的机构(州或地方). 个人 聋哑人、重听人或有语言障碍的人可以通过 the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339. Additionally, 程序 information may be made available in languages other than English.

要提交歧视计划投诉,请填写美国农业部计划歧视 Complaint Form (AD-3027), found online at l 或在任何美国农业部办公室,或写一封信给美国农业部,并在信中提供 all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, 打电话给866-632-9992.

Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:

  • 邮件:  U.S. 农业部Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights西南独立大道1400号华盛顿特区.C. 20250-9410
  • 传真: (202) 690-7442
  • 电子邮件: 程序.intake@usda.政府 

 This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

儿童评估文件是疾病预防控制中心的一个组成部分. 我们利用 期望结果发展概况修订(DRDP-2010)表格,从 the State Department of Education. The two forms that are used are for ages 0-36 months and 3-year-old- Kindergarten age. Two assessments per year are completed for each 孩子.

家长和老师也利用年龄和阶段问卷(ASQ)作为辅助 to measure 孩子ren’s development.

We offer a six-week optional summer semester. The summer semester at the CDC provides 孩子们有机会沉迷于项目和探索感兴趣的领域. 在一个培育和充满活力的环境中,孩子们被鼓励参加为期六周的活动 长期的学习过程,鼓励发现、创造和调查. 父母 不需要在夏季学期注册继续在常规学期注册 学年.